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Blog Post | Judy Thompson

Reflections on Pandemic Church by Judy Thompson

The New Wineskins Sunday School class began a weekly Zoom class on Sunday, September 6, 2020.  We met at 9:30 a.m. each Sunday thereafter.  Thanks to the enterprise and hard work of Pat Payne we were able to stay connected each week.

Blog Post | Diane Campbell

Reflections on Pandemic Church by Diane Campbell

It was March 11, 2020, and I was sitting in a business meeting in the CBC sanctuary, looking  forward to choir rehearsal afterwards. I knew that the governor had that afternoon asked  churches to strongly consider canceling services because of the rising number of cases of  Covid-19, and figured we might have some weeks without church ahead of us. I was glad we  at least would be having choir. Wrong. The staff and those present thought it best to go home  then, at the conclusion of the business meeting, with an uncertain future ahead.

Blog Post | Mark Johnson

Returning to In-Person Worship

Our church has been through many challenges over our 70 plus year history and none of them have been any more challenging that these past 16 months.  The necessary management and precautions to fight community spread of the dangerous COVID-19 has called forth all the skill, patience, cooperation and Christ-like encouragement that has guided our church so well through these many past few years.  I am truly proud of each of you, our excellent leaders and exceptional staff and the way we have continued to be the church during these challenging times.

Blog Post | Raleigh Kincaid

A Prayer for Hope

Raleigh offered this prayer in worship on January 24, 2021. As we move through this pandemic, may we find the grace to bear witness to the struggles and injustices that harm our communities and also find a way to hope and work for better days.

Dear God,

This pandemic has done a job on us. It seems that every time we tried to pin down the coming of a better day, that day would come and go, leaving us still to wonder how long, O Lord, how long. And yet over and over, your word and the proclaimers of your word invite us to remain in and live in hopefulness. So again, dearest God, I pray that you find the cracks in our fear and cynicism and inject a fresh dose of the kind of hope that does not deny what is but is there in spite of what is.

Blog Post | Aaron Austin

Advent at Central 2020

Join us as we celebrate Advent this year in new ways, remembering the presence of Christ who continues to lead us into hope, peace, joy, and love.

Blog Post | Aaron Austin

The Slow Work of God

Sometimes I find great quotes for the beginning of our worship services, but they are just a bit too long to view (or digest) in a slide show.  Today, I found a quote from Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (one of Dr. Glenn Hinson's favorite persons to quote), and it seemed to fit this strange coalescence of liminalities we find ourselves in.

Blog Post | Mark Johnson

A Prayer for Politicians and Public Officeholders

Last week we spoke with Dennis Johnson who shared this prayer form Walter Rauschenbusch, a Baptist pastor and founder of the Social Gospel movement.  Here's a prayer from this Baptist prophet as we move through this season of election.


Blog Post | Carol Martin

Love Offering for Jess and Beth

As many of you know, this past Friday, August 7, was the final day of operation of our Childcare for the foreseeable future.  We cannot predict the length of our shutdown.  However, the pandemic conditions that prompted the shutdown will have to improve significantly before we can realistically consider re-opening.

Blog Post | Aaron Austin

Anti-racism Resources

Many white people would like to help and support movements for equality and justice for our black and brown siblings.  Especially in the midst of a global pandemic, we all may not be able to march in protests.  Some of us may have little extra money to spare.  However, there are ways that we can all offer support, from educating ourselves on systemic racism to having tough conversations.  Guilt will do very little for our neighbors, and sometimes trying to figure out the "best" thing to do can lead to inaction.  Here are a few ideas that we've compiled from various places, along with links to other  resources for people who want to support.

Blog Post | Aaron Austin

Cooking with the Wallaces - Polenta 2 Ways

Join the Wallaces as they cook 2 different polenta recipes.

Central Baptist Church